Author: Tom Lenting

Genesis Reviews

Out of This World

It’s been ported to almost every single console you can imagine (I think there’s a Game.Con rev somewhere), and Genesis owners were enthralled at the way Out of This World seemed to push their consoles harder than any other game. Even today, the fluidity of the animation and the polygonal cut scenes are something of a marvel, considering the hardware pushing them.

Genesis Reviews

Pit Fighter

In the days before Street Fighter II, developers seemed to be struggling with the fighting genre. There were more misses than hits, and few games offered something new and original. Atari’s Pit-Fighter tried to change all that, with its digitized graphics and brutal underground brawling. It was eventually ported to a myriad of consoles, and we have a full review of the Genesis version for you, so grab a bat and some brass knuckles and have a gander.

Genesis Reviews

Pete Sampras Tennis

Sega’s done a great job of getting its tennis franchise back to form with Virtua Tennis 3, and it brings a great deal of fun and realism to the sport. Not that tennis has ever really lacked in the fun department. From the excellent Super Tennis on the SNES to the great Pete Sampras Tennis series on the Genesis, there has always been a good game within reach.

Genesis Reviews

World Championship Soccer

The Genesis debuted in 1989 with a wide variety of games from all genres, sports included. Alongside the great Tommy Lasorda Baseball and the simple, yet fun Arnold Palmer Golf was a soccer game that well, sucked. To be honest, World Championship Soccer wasn’t even fun when it came out, and with the plethora of incredible soccer games to be had on the system, there’s no reason on Earth to play it today.