Tag: 1993

Genesis Reviews

TMNT: Tournament Fighters

Tournament Fighters has EVERYTHING the SNES version is missing except for the gameplay, and that’s a big ”except.” I loved that Konami always made each version of a game completely different, like with TMNT: TF, Sparkster and Contra. Still, this game is definitely worth buying if only for the music!

Genesis Reviews

Super Fantasy Zone

Anyone who is familiar with the Fantasy Zone series will feel right at home with the Mega Drive sequel. Controls are essentially the same and the premise has not changed at all. After O-papa, (Opa-Opa’s dad) is killed by the returning Dark Menon (sounds like a perfume company), little Opa takes on the mantle of space savior and sets out to finish the job his father could not. Using all his skill and armament, he battles through ten stages of baddies in order to eliminate Menon once and for all.

Genesis Reviews

Aero the Acrobat

During the Genesis’ heyday, it seemed all Companies wanted was their own “Sonic,” a character to call their own and to make them lots of cash. During this period, it was a matter of “quantity” over “quality” and Aero the Acrobat is the best example of this.

Sega CD Reviews

Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin

Spider-Man vs.the Kingpin CD features tons of improvements over the other versions of the game, as it actually makes great use of the CD medium. The addition of a revamped soundtrack, improved graphics and audio, a completely overhauled level progression/game exploration system, a slew of hidden items, and tons of short animated cinemas at certain points in the game that really add to the Spidey experience.