Tag: Infogrames

Genesis Reviews

Tintin in Tibet

Tintin has been a classic comic hero for over a century, so it was only natural for him to get his own video game. It’s based on the 1960 book and features visuals were straight out of the comic. Lamentably, the gameplay and difficulty make this one adventure better left to the printed page.

Genesis Reviews

Smurfs 2: Smurfs Travel the World

Those little blue buggers are back on the Mega Drive, and this time they’re out to see the world! Join Inquisitive Smurf and Smurfette as they seek out shards of the Magic Crystal so they can get home. Released only in Europe, the second Smurf game featured little more than decent visuals and simplistic gameplay. But then, what’d you expect?

Genesis Reviews


Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the undying popularity of Peyo’s little blue people. The Smurfs have spent the past two decades permeating every aspect of our culture (some even say it’s a communist conspiracy!), and yes, even our poor Genesis has been steamrolled by their cuteness. Two games found their way to the European Mega Drive, one of which resurfaced as a rare Mega CD release. The first title puts you in the roles of several of the more popular Smurfs, but how does it compare to other cartoon and comic heroes like Mickey Mouse?

Genesis Reviews


Based on one of Disney’s most memorable films, Fantasia fails to capture any of its magic. The poor controls, vague objectives, and repetitive gameplay make this one of Mickey’s poorer adventures. It’s best to leave this one and just watch the movie. You’ll enjoy it more.