Author: Alex Burr

Genesis Reviews

R.B.I. Baseball ’94

Put down those war shooters and spend some time doing that other great American tradition: baseball! The Genesis is home to many different franchises, and some don’t get the recognition they deserve. R.B.I. Baseball ’94 is a good example of this, and this installment has enough tweaks and improvements to place it among the best baseball games on the Genesis.

Genesis Reviews

Jeopardy! Sports Edition

This… is… Jeopardy! For the three people out there who have yet to play a version of Merv Griffin’s classic game show, we have a full review of the sports edition. How well do you think you know your sports? Grab a control pad and take on completely unknown athletes in a brain game that’s sure to blister your fingers! Read our full review for more details, and be ready to settle for a year’s supply of Turtle Wax.

Genesis Reviews

NHL ’95

Electronic Arts has been leading the pack for many years now when it comes to hockey games. The quality of its wares were perhaps most evident during the 16-bit era, when console gamers weren’t accustomed to such realism and detail. The NHL Hockey series quickly garnered a large following, and the tradition continued deep into the ’90s. NHL ’95 is a great example of hockey done right, and our full review has all the details of this easily found and inexpensive gem.

Genesis Reviews

Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars

There are a ton of hockey games on the Genesis, and EA seems to have the crown. Be that as it may it doesn’t mean we don’t have to take a look at the other games, and Time Warner Interactive took to the ice with its own entry. Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars had the endorement of the Great One himself, but how good is it?

Genesis Reviews

Hit the Ice

Arcade-style ice hockey should be fun right? Think NBA Jam with sticks and skates, and it seems like a match made in heaven. Taito’s Hit the Ice strove for such a peanut butter and chocolate mix, but it ends up spending time in the penalty box instead. Read our full review for all the body-checking details.