Tag: Arcade

Genesis Reviews

Marble Madness

Normally, you’d think that rolling a shiny metal ball around a stage without letting it fall would make for a great game. The original Marble Madness was wonderful, with its excellent trackball controller and more recently, Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox Live Arcade showed that such a game could work with a controller. But that was long after analog sticks became the norm, and poor Genesis gamers had to suffer with playing on a totally unsatisfactory D-pad. The Genesis port of Marble Madness suffered because of it, among other things, and the resulting effort was poor enough for even creator Mark Cerny to disown it!

Genesis Reviews

Ultimate Qix

Taito has a long history of arcade hits, and the company ported many of them to the Genesis. In addition to games like Saint Sword and Cadash, gamers received an excellent port of Volfied, also known as Ultimate Qix. Challenging and highly addictive, this puzzle/action hybrid offered excellent gameplay wrapped up in some great presentation – a yummy package all around.

Genesis Reviews

Rastan Saga II

The name Rastan means something to arcade goers who are old enough to have played Taito’s classic in the arcades. It was difficult, great-looking, and it’s twin stereo speakers fired off an awesome soundtrack for everyone in the area to hear. Yes, Rastan rocked hard, and for that reason it’s a shame that the sequel never quite lived up to its predecessor. The Genesis scored an amazingly accurate port, but all the bad came over with all the good, and the result is a mediocre product that fails to do the Rastan legacy justice.

Genesis Reviews

Street Smart

I have to admit, I love me a good brawler every now and then. Being the total scrub that I am, I play just for kicks rather than for prestige or rank. That’s what has me checking out more and more of the older fighters out there. Recently forum member Scooter was kind enough to send me a copy of Treco’s Street Smart for the Genesis, and I quickly popped it in, control in hand. A fan of the SNK original, I was amazed at just how poorly this port turned out. Everything that was good has been changed for the worse, and the one thing that was pretty decent – the gameplay – is left to carry the whole game. Suffice it to say that things didn’t work out.

Genesis Reviews

Time Killers

Time Killers! You loved it in arcades! You clamored for a home port, and here it is! If anything, it’s a perfect example of being careful of what you wish for. What? You mean you didn’t want this turd on the Genesis? Ah well, in that case you have our condolences.