Tag: Beggar Prince article series

Editorials, Features

Beggar Prince: The Third Time’s the Charm

We recently spoke to Super Fighter Team president Brandon Cobb, and he’s given us the exclusive first look at the third – and final- run of the action/RPG that’s taken the Genesis world by storm. There’s been some major changes to Beggar Prince, and Cobb’s group has taken the concerns and requests of the gaming community to heart in order to provide the best possible product. What’s new to this version, exactly? Read on, dear friend and find out!

Genesis Reviews

Beggar Prince

After some serious playtime, Sega-16 has finally reviewed Beggar Prince. We would have covered it sooner, but…well, we were too busy playing! After so long, actually getting a chance to play a fresh Genesis RPG is something that tolerates no interruption, and we’re in this one for the long haul. We know you’re enthralled as well (you did buy it, didn’t you?), but why not hit pause yourself and have a look?

Editorials, Features

Beggar Prince: The Start of Something Good?

Late last month, Super Fighter Team began to ship Beggar Prince, to the delight of fans everywhere. The first commercially-released Genesis game released in almost a decade, it’s an exciting moment for the console’s otherwise quiet homebrew scene. As Sega-16 discussed last week, there hasn’t been much of a buzz when it comes to independent work on the console, but Beggar Prince might actually the catalyst to change all that. It’s success may be just the push needed to show that there truly is genuine interest in new titles and translations, and though it’s too early to tell, we may just yet be able to partake in the indy lovin’ that other retro consoles currently enjoy. Possibility or pipe dream? Our latest editorial, Beggar Prince: Start of Something Good? examines this scenario and the chances of it actually happening, so read on Sega fans…

Features, Previews

Preview: Beggar Prince

As you may already know, the Super Fighter Team is putting the final touches on Beggar Prince, the first new Genesis release in almost a decade. Sega-16 was fortunate to get all the tasty details about the localization process, as well as talk to project leader Brandon Cobb about the experience! Read all about it in our exclusive preview!