Tag: Genesis Live Arcade

Features, Sega Download

Sega Download: Genesis Live Arcade Vol. 02

What, you thought that we’d forgotten about Sega’s 16-bit support of Microsoft’s excellent download service? Quite the contrary! The release list is considerably smaller, but there’s still some quality being made available for your gaming pleasure. This month features a quartet of titles: Ecco the Dolphin, Cyberball (arcade), Sonic The Hedgehog 2, and Streets of Rage 2. Which are worth your points? Read our full report and find out!

Features, Sega Download

Sega Download: Genesis Live Arcade Vol. 01

After months and months of rumors and speculation, Sega finally announced its support of Xbox Live Arcade last week at E3. While the initial offerings are slim (only two games), the mere fact that we’ll now be getting plenty of Genesis goodness on our Xbox 360s is reason enough for Segaphiles to be happy. We’re celebrating the news with a brand new article series. Genesis Live Arcade will serve as a sister article to our current Genesis Virtual Console series and will continue to bring our hands-on recommendations about the newest games each month as they’re released. We kick things off with a report on the first two games available: Golden Axe (arcade) and Sonic The Hedgehog. Read the full article and see if these two are worth your Microsoft points!