Tag: Software Toolworks

Sega CD Reviews

Software Toolworks Star Wars Chess

While SNES owners were amazed by Super Star Wars and its excellent sequels, Sega CD owners struggled to view the grainy video in Rebel Assault and shook their heads in puzzled silence at Software Toolworks Star Wars Chess. Sure, it seems like a cool idea, until you see the laughable cut scenes and experience the long loading times and occasional game-breaking glitches. Suddenly, Star Wars Arcade on 32X doesn’t look so bad.

Sega CD Reviews

San Diego Zoo Presents: The Animals

The concept of “eductainment” games on consoles never really seemed to make sense. Aside from your Sesame Street kind of fair, there really seems to be no reason for the genre to exist. Still, developers churn them out, and publishers press and release them, so some is obviously buying them. That was probably the philosophy used by Software Toolworks when it released San Diego Zoo Presents: The Animals!. Simple and dull, it’s nothing more than an excuse to throw some full-motion video on a disc and call it “multi-media.”