Tag: Tec Toy

Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: TecToy MD Play

2009 has been a great year for Genesis hardware. No fewer than three different machines were released during the past twelve months, and most of them are portable. We’ve already covered the Genesis Portable system, but did you know an SD card-compatible version with six buttons was released in Brazil? Well, there was, and it’s called the MD Play. Released by none other than TecToy, it has some interesting features the American and European versions lack.

Genesis Reviews

Duke Nukem 3D

While Duke Nukem fans calmly wait until Judgement Day (also known as the day Duke Nukem Forever is actually released), they often look back on the character’s long and storied history. When running down the laundry list of consoles and computers that saw a version of his third and most famous adventure, few people would expect to see the Genesis on that list. Yep, the ol’ girl actually saw Duke Nukem 3D released, thanks to Brazil’s Tec Toy. It may not be in the same league as the original, but you have to at least give a nod to the effort.