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Features, History Of

History of: Splatterhouse

You like survival horror? Gory, flesh-eating zombies and tons of blood? Forget Resident Evil; we’ve got the original house of horrors right here on the Genesis. Enter, if you dare and read up on the history of Splatterhouse in our newest feature. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone if you have to leave the light on….

Genesis Reviews

Earnest Evans

There’s a right way to do an adventure game, and there’s Earnest Evans. So much potential wasted…While not a truly bad game, there was enough wrong to make you wonder what had happened. It was the type of game you really wanted to like but never matched the original (which wasn’t a triple A title to begin with).

Genesis Reviews


Fighting games are always fun, aren’t they? They should be, shouldn’t they? That would be the case in a perfect world, but reality is a much different story. One big kick in the shin was Electronic Arts’ Shaq Fu, which contributor VinnyT actually summoned up the courage to play. Why, he’s even gone so far as to write a review about it! See? That’s what we’re here for: we play ’em so you don’t have to!

Editorials, Features

Sega: Shaking the Tree or Burning Bridges?

For years now, many gamers have wondered what Sega’s plans are concerning their back catalogue of games. We’ve seen a few brands rise from their graves, like OutRun and Ecco the Dolphin, but there’s growing concern about the future of two of their premier RPG series: The Shining games and Phantasy Star. Where are they going? Will we ever see new entries in the classic style?