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Genesis Reviews

Scooby-Doo Mystery

For over four decades Scooby and friends have been solving mysteries and making the world safe for gluttons everywhere. You know them, you love ’em, but did you know they’re on your Genesis? Lucky for you then, that we have a nice write up of Scooby-Doo Mystery.

Genesis Reviews

Soldiers of Fortune

PC lovers know the Bitmap Brothers well, and they’ve enjoyed plenty of hits over the years. Genesis owners got a good piece of the pie too, with such classics as Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe. Another hit with Soldiers of Fortune, which was known as the Chaos Engine on the Amiga, made its way to both 16-bit consoles. It definitely has its fans, and we have a full review on it to persuade those fence-sitters to run out and get a copy!

Genesis Reviews


Already a favorite of computer gamers, Starflight soared onto the Genesis and promptly left its stamp as one of the best games ever made for the console. True, such comments get tossed around quite a bit, but in this case, it’s more than warranted. The sheer level of freedom and sense of exploration Starflight provided was enough to keep you occupied literally for weeks. The delicate balance between action and simulation was never broken, and it was always a blast.

Features, Power Battles

Genesis Power Battles Vol. 03: Pulseman vs. VectorMan

It seems like our readers just can’t get enough of our Genesis Power Battles series, and that makes us very happy. We hope that reading about two 16-bit stars duking it out is as much fun to read as it is to write, and since it’s just so much darn fun, we’ve another installment already lined up for you! Volume three has the Genesis legend VectorMan going toe-to-toe with the electric hero Pulseman. Check it out to see who had the edge.