Tag: 1987

Master System Reviews


As with many of Sega’s arcade titles of the ’80s, Quartet found its way onto the Master System. There were many changes in the transition, and the popular four-player feature of the original was lost. Still, the version that came home was fun enough to spend an afternoon with, especially with a friend.

Master System Reviews

Kung Fu Kid

Sega jumped into the martial arts action game with a title that was eerily reminiscent of Irem classics like Vigilante. Short, nice to look at, and simple to play, Kung Fu Kid doesn’t offer much in gameplay, but it somehow manages to be entertaining. If you can get past the feeling of lost potential, there’s a decent little action game here.

Master System Reviews

Maze Hunter 3-D

The Master System’s SegaScope 3-D glasses are largely considered to be a gimmick, but there is some solid gameplay with most of the titles that use the technology. Maze Hunter 3-D is a simple, arcadey maze game that makes great use of the effect for a solid and trippy experience.

Master System Reviews

Wonder Boy

This is the one that started it all! A true Sega classic, Wonder Boy has seen various styles of play over the years. The original game was an arcade hit and received a wonderful port on the Master System. Axes, skateboards, and fruit! What more could you ask for in a game?