A legendary series like Double Dragon deserved better. Virgin Games somehow managed to take a fan favorite and make it almost unplayable. With all the versions out there, the Game Gear port should have been one of the best. Instead, it’s a farmed-out mess of a game. Stick with other versions… any other versions.
Tag: Beat-‘Em-Up
Altered Beast (Master System)
Altered Beast is an arcade and Genesis classic, but the Master System version is woefully inferior. Horrible graphics and sound, reduced stages and gameplay elements, and poor control make this one beast that deserves to be put down. Do yourself a favor and get the superior Genesis version instead.
Surf Ninjas
Developed in tandem with the movie, the Game Gear Surf Ninjas game is recognized for being the first tie-in release completed before its license. That’s about all it has going for it though, as stiff and repetitive gameplay and bland design bring it down almost the level of the movie.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (Game Gear)
Go, go Sega Game Gear! The Power Rangers kick and chop their way onto Sega’s little portable in a game that’s actually pretty darn fun! It may not be the most complex title out there, but it’s entertaining, plays well, and looks and sounds great. The Rangers were pretty solid on Sega’s hardware, and this is definitely one worth checking out.
Streets of Rage (Game Gear)
Streets of Rage on the Genesis is considered a classic. Unfortunately, It’s portable cousin wasn’t able to convey the rage quite as well, and it comes off more as “Alley of the Mildly Annoyed.” While it’s not a terrible game, it lacks the polish of the 16-bit original, and the experience suffers overall. Still, it’s worth playing for the Yuzo Koshiro music alone!