Tag: Japan

Sega CD Reviews

Anet Futatabi

Sequels are always anticipated, but some turn out to be less than expected. Such was the case with Wolf Team’s Anet Futatabi, the third game in the trilogy surrounding Anet Myers and Earnest Evans. Expectations were high, but heads were hung low upon release. Care to taste our disappointment? Read our full review.

Genesis Reviews


The Japanese weren’t immune to the puzzle fever of the early ’90s, either. Several companies churned out some fairly good puzzle games, and for the most part they made it to the U.S. and Europe. A few slipped through the cracks, of course…After all, no matter how popular the genre, it’s inevitable that some games will get lost in the shuffle. Namco’s Megapanel is a good example of a good puzzle game that somehow got forgotten.

Genesis Reviews

Snow Bros. Starring Nick & Tom

Snow Bros.; Possibly one of the most bizarre yet unoriginal arcade style games to be ported from the arcade to the Mega Drive. Don’t get me wrong though just because this game isn’t original doesn’t mean that it is a travesty! In fact Snow Bros is possibly one the most addictive two player games on the Mega Drive, due to its insane length and extremely durable gameplay.