Features Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 26

It is not everyday video game developers get the chance to come to Sweden and meet me to autograph my video games. But sometimes it happen, and I will tell you all about how the man behind the Mega CD game Snatcher got the chance to personally meet me and see a crown jewel of my video game collection.

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol 26- 1Some days before the event, fellow Sega-16 reviewer, forum member, and Windows Live Messenger contact Nissling tipped me about this event (thank you!). Apparently, my personal invitation from Hideo Kojima must have been lost in the mail, because I had not heard of it sooner. Hideo would, by then, just come to Sweden for a quick visit a few days later (Saturday, the twenty-second of November was the date) and meet his fans and me. The store that would hold the event, Webhallen, had organized it so that the signing session would be between 12:30 and 14:30. The day before the event, they updated their website and added that only a hundred and fifty people would get their games signed, and only one game per capita. This could be troublesome, since my personal invitation had been lost in the mail. I would have to wait in line with the rabble, like homeless people are waiting in line for free food. Oh well, I could use some fresh air of the Swedish winter.

I decided to let my brother join me on the invitation. He had never heard of Hideo Kojima or barely any of his Metal Gear Solid video game series or not even the supreme Snatcher. Since all of you know Snatcher but maybe not Metal Gear Solid, I will tell you about it. It is a game series where characters control others by attaching their hands on them. It’s a fact folks; look it up.

Anyway, after using two different rail transport systems (overground and underground), I arrived at Sveavägen in Stockholm, the place where prime minister Olof Palme got murdered back in 1986. Would I also be murdered here? Nope, I’m immortal. There was a loooong line of people before the store and I feared that Hideo would miss me. Fortunately, my brother had already been there since 12:00, twenty minutes before me, so I used my ninja stealth skills to sneak in line next to him. The weather was freezing cold, but we survived. After a while they opened and let around ten people in at the same time or so. Strangely enough, it was also the release-day for the millionth version of the FMV game Guitar Hero. People who wanted that game could get in and buy it anytime they wanted. Since Swedes generally are dumb morons who take any commercial crap, I’m surprised they didn’t need an additional line for that gimmick.

After a while, a guy with a camera came out and video taped me and also the rest of the line. He looked exactly like Hideo, so he must have been a brother or perhaps a genetic clone. Then, when about three quarters had passed, another guy came out and counted us. I got number sixty, and he continued to count for a while, so I felt safe. It seemed like 98% of people had a Metal Gear Solid game to have signed. Only me, Nissling and another guy had Snatcher as far as I know. It should have been the other way around. When I finally came in, I went into another weird line with some bodyguards-looking guys here and there. Apparently, I had to tell a guy what part of my game package I wanted Hideo to sign. I chose the manual.

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol 26- 2Then the moment came. They threw me in like I was some cattle to be slaughtered, except that I was a guy who would have my Snatcher signed by Hideo Kojima. Hideo was so shocked to see me, he barely said a word. He just smiled and looked happy, so shy and nervous as I expected. It was okay, most people are when they meet me for the first time. I told him that this was his best game, to asure him that games where hand-switching for mindcontrol are not approved by me, although I’ve never played any of them or any other non-Snatcher Hideo Kojima game, ever. When I was done, I bought Metal Gear Solid 3 as a Yule present to my brother, so he also had something to get signed. My brother took some pics of Hideo when he signed that game, using his futuristic mobile phone from the future.

Then we were done. So we went out and had a kebab. What a great day. One of the crown jewels in my collection just got gilded. Thank you, Hideo!

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