Author: Doug Jackson

Sega 32X Reviews

R.B.I. Baseball ’95

Tomorrow’s MLB all-star game looks to be a great one, so why not level off all that positive energy with a really poor baseball title? Time Warner Interactive’s R.B.I. Baseball ’95 for the 32X took zero advantage of the hardware, much like other titles on the add-on, and it was even outclassed by offerings on the stock Genesis that year, such as Sega’s own stellar World Series Baseball ’95. Check out our full review for the sorry details, and trust us, it’ll make watching tomorrow’s game THAT much better.

Genesis Reviews

Chi Chi’s Pro Challenge Golf

Recently, a trio of masked criminals broke into famed Puerto Rican pro golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez’s home and made off with over $500,000 in cash and jewelry. While golf fans everywhere were just glad to see that Chi Chi was safe, they were perplexed as to why he was so jubilant in all his interviews about the crime. You see, ol’ Chi Chi had the last laugh on those crooks. Along with his money and jewels, they also made off with all the unsold inventory of his horrible Genesis game Chi Chi’s Golf Challenge Golf! “Give them a week of playing it,” the golfing legend quipped, “and they’ll be begging for the cops to take them in!” Our readers should just count themselves lucky then that we have a full review, keeping this game only in the hands of our reviewers and a few choice criminals.

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Sonic Jam (Game.Com)

Poor Sonic. People love to make fun of how bad many of his recent games have been, and some even say things started to go bad when Sega left the hardware business. Not so! Back in 1998, the famous hedgehog appeared in a Game.Com port of the compilation Sonic Jam. To call this version abysmal would be an understatement, and if anyone ever needed a reason to stick to their Game Boys, this was it.