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Sega CD Reviews

Secret of Monkey Island

There’s no denying that people love pirates. Johnny Depp is laughing all the way to the bank thanks to that fact, but gamers have also benefitted from the public’s obsession with wench-groping, ale-swizzling rogues. Why, the Sega CD alone got one of the best pirate adventures in history, The Secret of Monkey Island.

Developer's Den, Features

Developer’s Den: Zyrinx

Today we kick off a new feature series that looks into the history behind some of the Genesis’ most prominent creative teams. The first installment of Developer’s Den takes a look at Zyrinx, the maker of Sub-Terrania and Red Zone, and examines its work and legacy. Read the article and find out what could have been!

Features, Interviews

Interview: Brenda Huff (CEO of Wisdom Tree)

For years, Wisdom Tree Games has managed to successfully avoid becoming an official licensee for the platforms on which it develops. On both the NES and Genesis, it has released several titles that have had strong sales, giving the company a longevity not common to other unofficial developers. Company leader Brenda Huff recently spoke to Sega-16 about how Wisdom Tree has managed to endure and even carve out its own little corner of the market.