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Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 12

Our Stories from the Book of Genesis series has been quite successful, offering readers a chance to express their own tales of Sega 16-bit fandom or show off their latest fan fiction. This month, we’ve got the second installment of Revenge of the Genesis Brotherhood, a tale about one man’s wild journey across some of the console’s most memorable titles. Read on and enjoy!

Genesis Reviews

Joshua & the Battle of Jericho

So you’ve played through Klax, and you’ve mastered Columns. So now, you’re probably wondering what Genesis puzzle games are left to play. Well, I’ll bet you’d be surprised to learn that Wisdom Tree’s Joshua & the Battle of Jericho is a worthy addition to the list of puzzlers worth picking up. Many people have either never seen or disregarded it, and that’s a shame.

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box (PlayStation 2)

Genesis fans have a special place in their hearts for Treasure. They’ve given us some great games, like the classic Gunstar Heroes, as well as some gems that were never brought to America (Alien Soldier, for example). Stubborn as a mule, they still won’t bring it our way even after a decade! Lucky for us, we can import Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box for the Japanese Playstation 2. Volume 25 of the Sega Ages 2500 series.

Genesis Reviews

Micro Machines Turbo Tournament ‘96

Those who grew up in the early ’90s remember the Micro Machines well. The darn things had toys for just about every vehicle ever made. They had a few games too, and Turbo Tournament ’96 ranks among the best. So many options, so much fun! Our complete write up tells all about this great little racer that you probably overlooked, so check it out and see what you’ve been missing!