Tag: 32X

Sega 32X Reviews

Corpse Killer (32X)

Digital Pictures sure took advantage of the CD medium. Some of the games stink, there’s no denying that. Some are still fun, in a campy sort of way. Corpse Killer is one such title. Originally released as a Sega CD game, it was cleaned up and became one of the few 32X/CD games made available. It’s cornball humor at its very best, and after laughing at just how bad the acting is, you might actually find yourself enjoying this one. If that piques your interest, we have a full review on it, so read on and see if this one is worth giving a try.

Sega 32X Reviews

NBA Jam Tournament Edition (32X)

The 32X got little love during its short and painful life, and if it received a port, then you knew it was officially ported to every console under the Sun at the time. NBA Jam Tournament Edition was a game that saw the rounds on machines of all types and power, from the Genesis to the Jaguar. We have a full review of the 32X version for you, so take a gander at the only B-ball game available for your little mushroom.

Sega 32X Reviews

NFL Quarterback Club (32X)

Thursday marks the opening of the 2006 NFL season, and what better way to celebrate than with a review of NFL Quarterback Club for the 32X? If you’re a football fan, you’ve undoubtedly been awaiting the return of one of America’s most popular sports, and if you’re a 32X owner, you probably need another game to play! Check out the review and see if this is the one for you!

Sega 32X Reviews

Star Wars Arcade

Christmas 1994 saw the release of a game that many anticipated, but relatively few bought. The irony was that sales were hampered not by the game itself, but by the hardware it was on. Though many people wanted to play Star Wars Arcade on the 32X, few were willing to shell out the cash for the add-on. Sales were decent enough initially, but it was a sign of things to come. Did gamers miss out on something special? Should they have taken the plunge just to play this arcade port? Why not read our full review and find out?

Sega 32X Reviews

Brutal: Above the Claw

Ok, give us an upgrade and we expect all the good stuff from before with a few tweaks, as well as some new stuff. What we don’t expect is a game that plays worse than the original, especially when it’s on more powerful hardware. Games like Brutal: Above the Claw was why the 32X was never taken seriously. When your 16-bit version plays better and is more fun, why upgrade? Still, we have a review for those of you considering a purchase anyway. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!