Tag: Beat-‘Em-Up

Sega CD Reviews

Ninja Warriors

Taito released plenty of games for the Genesis, but its Sega CD library wasn’t quite as robust. Some of the games that made it onto the add-on seem to have a “B grade” quality to them, and after playing The Ninja Warriors for the Japanese Mega CD, that assessment might actually be too generous. Granted, the source material isn’t that deep to begin with, but one questions why the CD technology seemed to only be used for redbook audio. What a waste.

Genesis Reviews

Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety

Poor Spider-Man. When he’s on an upswing, like after a great game like Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin, someone has to come along and cut his webbing with a stinker like Separation Anxiety. The ups and downs of the web slinger’s video career even make Batman shake his head in disbelief, but thankfully ol’ web head keeps on fighting.

Genesis Reviews

Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter

Everyone who likes Japanese animation knows of Mazinger Z. The classic series has been cultivating a fanbase for almost four decades, and there has been everything from toys to video games based on the character. The Genesis got something of a “remixed” version of Mazinger Z in Vic Tokai’s Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter, a re-imagined telling of the mythos through some side-scrolling beat-’em-up action and a few stiff fighting scenes.

Genesis Reviews

Cyborg Justice

One would think that heavily-armed robots beating each other senseless would be a no-brainer formula for a great game. Sega and Novotrade apparently thought so, as Cyborg Justice was their idea of a beat-’em-up that couldn’t lose. Unfortunately, it needed a bit more time in the oven, and the game we got was a half-baked attempt at best.

Genesis Reviews

Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls

Genre: Beat-‘Em-Up Developer: LeLand Interactive Media Publisher: Tradewest Players: 1-2 Released: 1994 What’s the best way to ruin one of the most legendary names in the beat-’em-up genre and effectively derail an entire series? Six words: Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls. Now, I had never played this game until a couple of months ago. When I was a kid […]