Tag: Beat-‘Em-Up

Genesis Reviews

TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist

How many of us grew up playing the Ninja Turtles arcade and NES games? Seriously, these wonderful games were a major part of many gamer’s diet back in the early ’90s, and it was always exciting to see home versions released. Imagine the excitement then, when Konami announced a classic Turtles beat-’em-up for the Genesis! Thing was, it was a little too classic, and it depended a bit too much on previous outings. Still, it was the Turtles on the Genesis, and gamers enjoyed the chance to beat down Shredder and the Foot Clan on their console. Was it worth the wait though?

Sega CD Reviews

Anet Futatabi

Sequels are always anticipated, but some turn out to be less than expected. Such was the case with Wolf Team’s Anet Futatabi, the third game in the trilogy surrounding Anet Myers and Earnest Evans. Expectations were high, but heads were hung low upon release. Care to taste our disappointment? Read our full review.

Genesis Reviews

Captain America and the Avengers

Most super hero games turn out, well… less than good. Ah hell, let’s be honest. Most of them just plain suck. With Captain America & the Avengers, Data East took a campy, corny arcade game and brought it home pretty faithfully to the Genesis. Still, a good port of a bad game is still a bad game. To see how bad it can get, read our full review.

Genesis Reviews


The Punisher was a decent arcade brawler that made the jump to the Genesis mostly intact. Whether it’s alone or with a friend, there’s some classic Capcom beat-’em-up action to be had here, so read and see if this one is worth the high asking price.