Tag: Software Creations Ltd.

Genesis Reviews

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Quest

Roar of the Beast was the first of our two-part review of Sunsoft’s Beauty and the Beast games for the Genesis, and we finish things off today with a full review of the other release, Belle’s Quest. An odd pair of platformers, the two play like a single Sunsoft title that was divided in half. We know how the first one is in terms of quality, but is the second part any better? Apparently not…

Genesis Reviews

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: Roar of the Beast

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, recently re-released on DVD, made a big impact on cinema back when it debuted, becoming the first animated film to win a Golden Globe award. As many a Disney franchise made the jump to the Genesis, it was a no-brainer that both the Beast and Belle would soon find themselves in 16-bit land. Each character got a its own game courtesy of Sunsoft, and today we take a look Roar of the Beast. Is this an action platformer worth playing?

Genesis Reviews

Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety

Poor Spider-Man. When he’s on an upswing, like after a great game like Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin, someone has to come along and cut his webbing with a stinker like Separation Anxiety. The ups and downs of the web slinger’s video career even make Batman shake his head in disbelief, but thankfully ol’ web head keeps on fighting.

Genesis Reviews

Spider-Man & the X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge

I love super heroes. As cool as they are, they’re even better when they team up, and any fan worth his/her salt was most likely salivating when Spider-Man/X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge. The prospect of the web slinger teaming up with Marvel’s marvelous mutants for a video game romp seems to be the stuff of dreams. The Genesis had to wait a bit longer for it though, as it came out first on the SNES. How did the Sega version fare?

Genesis Reviews

Cutthroat Island

When you look at the video game release of Cutthroat Island, only two plausible scenarios come to mind about its release: either it was expected to cash in on a massive summer blockbuster, or it was a last ditch effort to ride the tsunami-like wave the film made when it belly flopped at the box office. After seeing Cutthroat Island and playing the game, we have to go with the latter. Read the full review and be thankful that people really, really love pirates. This turd almost spelled the end for them in movies forever.