Tag: Stories from the Book of Genesis

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 32

Ever want a game so bad but couldn’t have it? Think about what it would be like to have to wait more than a decade to finally get that game, and what it would be like to finally have it. Such was the case with contributer “The Coop,” who waited thirteen long years for a copy of the Mega Drive shooter Curse. The name was almost prophetic, as the game would slip through his grasp several times over the years, until eBay finally gave up that most pristine of copies.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 31

Nothing comes between a Segaphile and his Genesis, not time, money, distance, even uncooperative big brothers. Not even the dark confines of basement storage can keep a true 16-bit fan from the great console, and gamers are sure to find a way to get hold of the console so they can play the games they love. Case in point: contributor Smee Lesko shares his tale of how he never stopped until the once-family Genesis was his and his alone.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 30

Everyone remembers their first Genesis console, but how many remember their sixth? It’s been our experience that many Genesis owners have multiple versions of the hardware, from many different regions, a truly interesting example of console dedication. It takes a truly devoted fan to share the love and give so many systems a happy home, especially in this age of emulation.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 29

Not everyone was able to enjoy the Genesis upon its launch, and for some people around the world, it took several years before they were finally able to jump into the 16-bit goodness. Having experienced other consoles before Sega’s wonder machine, making the adjustment could be hard, but the quality of the Genesis always shines through in the end. One reader shares such an experience in the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 28

It’s always interesting to find something game-related in the wild, especially when it’s in another country. Staff writer Sebastian Sponsel has had his share of experiences with the bootleg underworld of Argentina’s gaming scene, but this time he’s gone head first into it! Check out his tale in installment #28 of Stories from the Book of Genesis.