Author: Sebastian Sponsel

Genesis Reviews


Even after two decades, the myth persists that the Genesis had few RPGs. The argument of the uninformed, it still makes its way into console war conversations the world over. In reality, there are over 70 RPGs between the Genesis and the Sega CD, almost as many as there are shooters (which people say the console has too many of. Go figure.) We dispelled this myth in our RPG Roundup and our Left in Japan: RPGs feature. One of those neat little RPGs that gets overlooked by most is Electronic Arts’ TechnoClash. A cyber punk sort of adventure/RPG title, it was developed by BlueSky Software and features sprite art by Earthworm Jim’s Doug TenNapel.

Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: Krikzz Everdrive Cart

For homebrewers and gamers of all types, the Genesis has its fair share of flash carts. Recently, a new challenger has stepped into the ring to compete against the might Mega Cart and MD-Pro. Krikzz’s Everdrive is a neat little piece of hardware that offers a large storage size and modern transfer methods, and it’s not that expensive to boot!

Features, Tournaments

2010 Portuguese Mega Drive Championship

It seems everyone loves the Genesis, no matter where you go. So many people are still passionate about Sega’s 16-bit wonder all around the world, and it’s great to see so much energy in the retro community for a console that still offers tons of awesome gaming experiences. Fans in Europe are especially competitive when it comes to their Mega Drives, and if you enjoyed reading our coverage of the German Mega Drive Championships, you’ll definitely want to check out our article on this past February’s Portuguese tournament. It was a real nail-biter!

Genesis Reviews

Cyber-Cop (Corporation)

There has been an off-and-on argument on our forums over the past few months over whether or not first-person shooters were viable on the Genesis. However you may feel about FPS games on 16-bit, you have to admit that games like Cyber-Cop (Corporation outside the U.S.) didn’t do much to endear people to the genre. Complex controls and brutal difficulty killed what was an excellent FPS/RPG hybrid on computers.