Tag: Rocket Knight article series

Features, Previews

Preview: Rocket Knight

After almost two decades away from the limelight, Konami’s Rocket Knight series blasts back into action in a new game for Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and Steam (PC). This new sequel retains the classic 2D gameplay of the previous two games, but it brings a modern coat of paint to the visuals. The “2.5” look marks a new style for the series, and we’ve got a complete preview of it for you to check out before the game hits May 12. Did we mention we also chatted with the game’s associate producer? Well, what are you waiting for then? Read the article and see why great heroes never die; they just play possum.

Genesis Reviews


Rocket Knight Adventures is a highly acclaimed game that is considered to be one of the pinnacle 2D platformers. It possesses great graphics, great sound, and great gameplay. C’mon–it even has a decent-ish storyline! Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures II is the sequel to that beloved game.

Genesis Reviews

Rocket Knight Adventures

As platformers go, RKA stands tall among the crowd; looking down on most. That’s no mean feat considering the level of quality the Genesis has in this department. Many people made the mistake, however, of casually dismissing the game as another Sonic clone. They could not have been farther from the truth.