Tag: Zero Tolerance article series

Features, Tech Talk

Tech Talk: Zero Tolerance Link Cable

Playing co-op on the Genesis is a common occurrence, but it’s an entirely different situation when two consoles are involved. Take the first-person shooter Zero Tolerance, for example. How would you like to play it on two separate Genesis machines? Or what about using two Nomads? There actually was a cable offered for just such a thing back when the game was released, but those are now few and far between. Making one of your own isn’t all that hard though, and staff writer Sebastian Sponsel shows us how in the latest installment of Tech Talk.

Genesis Reviews

Zero Tolerance

You don’t tend to think of the Genesis whenever the topic of first person shooters comes up. After all, the genre was in its console infancy at the time, and Sega’s old work horse isn’t exactly known for its 3D prowress. Even so, there are a few games here and there, including Accolade’s Zero Tolerance, a title that every Genesis owner should boot up at least once, just to get the gist of how a 3D FPS runs on the console.