Genesis Reviews

Super Smash TV

Genre: Run-‘N-Gun Developer: Probe Software Publisher: Acclaim Players: 1-2 Released: 1992

One Genesis game that was my favorite and played a lot was Super Smash T.V. Originally named Smash T.V., the Genesis version received the Super prefix, even though it was the same game. Having been ported from the arcade to almost every console since the ’90s, there are some bad ones (such as the Game Gear, Master System, and NES versions) and some good ones (like the Genesis and SNES ports).

I think most gamers remember this one. Like many twin-control shooters, some will like it, and others will hate it due to its difficulty. Personally, I love Super Smash T.V. It’s like an old ’80s movie with great one-liners, and it reminds me a lot of ’80s action films like The Running Man, or that other classic example of macho drama: Robocop (complete with lines stolen from the movie, like when the host that says, “I’d buy that for a dollar!”). Just like those examples of action bliss, Super Smash T.V. is a great example of mindless blasting fun without any unnecessary trappings, such as a plot. Heck, the fact that it comes from the man behind Robotron 2084 should be reason alone to check this one out.

The gameplay centers around a futuristic T.V. show where you fight for your live to obtain as many prizes and as much money as possible. You do this by defeating hordes and hordes of enemies, as well as some grueling level bosses, just to see how much you can gain by the end. There is a total of three major studios to run through, with four bosses (the last level has two bosses), and each studio has upwards of ten rooms to run through. After clearing a room you can decide where to go next so you don’t have to take the same route every time you play or even clear all the rooms. There are also keys to collect, and if you find ten of them before entering the last boss you can go to the pleasure room to collect girls (“GOOD LUCK! YOU’LL NEED IT!).

Weapons are scattered everywhere, and they will disappear after five seconds or so. There are shields bombs, fast shoes, rifles, grenades, rockets, a flying ball that helps with shooting, and don’t forget the prizes! The first levels are easy and are good for learning, but later on if you meet the first boss, Mutoid Man, then things get serious and enemies will come and go as fast as you can shoot. In the later levels, such as in studio three, it can take about ten minutes to progress to the next stage because of the sheer mayhem of enemies and bullets. Bosses there are big and can take a lot of damage before they check out for good. The enemies are fun and sometimes hard to dispose, especially the orbs that shoot lasers in studio two. You’re really going to hate them.

The controls in Super Smash T.V. are really good, and there now slowdown , even when the room is completely filled with enemies. Single players can even use two controllers to simulate the duel stick method from the arcade. Unfortunately, another person can only tag along when using the single controller method. Still, playing with a friend is always better than going at it alone. “Double the gun, double the fun,” I always say!

There’s not much to say in terms of presentation. the graphics do their job, and that’s it. The visuals suffer from the expected lack of color, and while things don’t look all that great, they also don’t look all that bad. The audio can be a bit repetitive, and it seemed as though I was listening to more or less the same sound for the entire game, but I liked it. It really pumped me up, with its ’80s music and futuristic sound.

Overall, I like Super Smash T.V. If you like it as I did, then you probably still play it once in a while, and that’s something that gives this game a longer shelf life than most arcade ports of the era. This one also comes dirt cheap, so if you’re interested to shooting a Sunday away, then buy it. I know I’D BUY THAT FOR A DOLLAR!

SCORE: 7 out of 10


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