Tag: Action

Master System Reviews

Poseidon Wars 3-D

The Master System received what could be described as a reimagining or even a spiritual successor to Sega’s 1982 groundbreaking arcade hit Subroc 3D. Nowhere near as intense or impressive, it’s not a bad effort. It just seems awfully calm for a war game, and its 3D effect isn’t very impressive.

Dreamcast Reviews


One Dreamcast title that North American owners wanted but never got was Headhunter, which looked to offer sleek and Metal Gear-like gameplay. A European exclusive, it made for an engaging action title that combined action and stealth with a bit of a Blade Runner vibe. It’s one that’s worth the asking price and a game everyone should track down.

Saturn Reviews

NiGHTS Into Dreams

Sonic Team deviated from its work on Sega’s mascot to create a truly original and breathtaking adventure. NiGHTS Into Dreams was a wonderful and captivating title that took elements of different genres and molded them into something unique. It overflows with that classic Sonic Team charm, and every Saturn owners needs to own a copy.

Saturn Reviews

Tempest 2000

The Atari Jaguar classic received an incredible port on the Saturn. Arguably as good if not better than the original, it explodes onto Sega’s 32-bit beast with bold visuals, great gameplay, and that classic Tempest 2000 soundtrack in redbook format!

Master System Reviews

Strider (Master System)

So much was lost in the Master System port of Strider that fans of the game should avoid it entirely. Dull and sluggish gameplay combine with horrible presentation to create one of the worst arcade conversions on the console. Stick with the Genesis port if you want to beat the Master, but if you must go 8-bit, grab the excellent NES game instead.