Tag: Master System

Master System Reviews


Taito’s sword-wielding barbarian hacks his way onto the Master System! A port of the popular arcade classic, the 8-bit version went through some graphical and gameplay changes in the process, but it does a surprisingly good job of capturing all the fun of the original. This is one adventure you’ll want to go on!

Master System Reviews


There were tons of quality Master System games that never came to North America. Among them was perhaps one of the best platformers on the console. Only released in Europe and Brazil, Astérix is everything you’d expect from an awesome Sega title and then some. Find yourself a copy NOW.

Master System Reviews

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Think you’ve finished all the RPGs on the Master System? We bet you haven’t played this one, especially if you’re in North America. As the only Ultima game to come to Sega’s 8-bit wonder, Quest for the Avatar brought a entirely different take on the console RPG genre and offered a massive world with an intricate morality system. It’s definitely a must-play for RPG fans!

Master System Reviews

Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog’s first adventure on the Master System was quite different than the on the Genesis. Developed by Yuzo Koshiro’s studio Ancient (and featuring some great music), it’s an excellent rendition that doesn’t try to be more than its hardware will allow, and it’s pretty much a new game. If you’ve already played Sonic to death but still haven’t tried it on the Master System, you’re missing out.