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Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: Menacer Light Gun

Every console has a light gun, the Genesis included. Unfortunately, it seems that the 16-bit generation overall didn’t pay much attention to them, as both the Menacer and its SNES counterpart, the Super Scope, received only a handful of games in total. Despite the small library, there are some good games out there, like T2: the Arcade Game and Body Count. So, is it worth tracking down a Menacer for your console?

Features, Left in Japan

Left in Japan: Mega Drive & Mega CD RPGs

When you think of RPGs, the Genesis isn’t the first console to come to mind. There are quite a few memorable ones on the system here in America, such as the Phantasy Star series, the Shining games and Warsong (Langrisser Hikari) but the genre was never really supported as well as it was on either the PC-Engine or the SNES. In fact, most of the RPGs that did come out on the Mega Drive and Mega CD never got released stateside and were left behind in Japan, where the language barrier looms as large as the Great Wall of China.

Features, History Of

History of: Golden Axe

Legendary. Classic. Timeless. These are only a few of the adjectives one could use to describe the Golden Axe franchise, which has been sorely abandoned for the last few years. Back in 1989, any arcade worth its salt had a Golden Axe unit prominently displayed. Gamers went wild for it and Sega had yet another hit to add to its repertoire of classics.

Genesis Reviews

Golden Axe II

The sequel to the classic Golden Axe returns to the tried-and-true formula that made the original so much fun, but it’s lacking in a few areas. It’s still a great game worth playing, and any fan of the original should definitely try this one out.

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PlayStation 2)

Naturally, you can’t talk about Sega without thinking about Sonic. The Sonic the Hedgehog series of games will always be remembered for bringing the Sega Genesis into the spotlight with their fast action and exciting, fun gameplay. Back in 2002 Sega released a compilation disc for the GameCube called Sonic Mega Collection, giving ‘Cube owners the chance to relive Sonic’s Genesis adventures. Now two years later Sega has released a new version of their collection, this time for the PlayStation 2 and X-Box called Sonic Mega Collection Plus. That’s right, Plus, meaning new content not found in the GC collection.